One Gospel


Kenny Heinzel

Sept. 18, 2022



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[0:00] Good morning. Good to have you with us this morning as we come together and enjoy fellowship and come together to worship and study God's Word. We just thank you for being with us today and see some people that hadn't been in in a while. Good to see miss Donna. Ms.

[0:16] Tiffany. Ms. Marjorie. Good to have you all back with us. And they've sort of moved off to greener pastures over there, but that's good.

[0:28] We're happy for when we find a home. So glad you can come back. And Miss Donna, we've been praying for you and glad to see you back, each and every one of you, announcements wise. Don't forget the adult outing, October the 13th. That's a Thursday.

[0:47] We're going to be going up to the mountains for apples and all that kind of stuff. And guys you want to come to, because we're either going to Bass Pro Shop or Cabela's, so we're going to make it worth our while, too. All right. Anyway, we look forward to that. There's I think a sign up sheet on the board back here.

[1:06] Please sign up for that so we know how many is going and reserved the spots on the bus.

[1:13] Let's see also the children's church for a backup. If you could be a backup, if somebody has to call out for whatever reason and can't be there in a pinch, just say, yeah, I'll cover it in a pinch. Please see Tiffany after the service if you'd be willing to do that. Trunk retreat, October 30. We just want to analysis way ahead of time, but you know how that goes.

[1:38] So we're going to decorate our trucks again and have some baked goods for some cakewalks. And there's a sign up sheet back there now for that. So that's all coming up and different things. So we're working on that. The building, we got all the ceiling tile grid up.

[1:57] Finally, praise the Lord, my fingers are all cut up, no sheet metal. But now it wasn't that bad, but we got it up and now we're going to start hanging some lights and things like that. So it's coming together, so just keep praying about that. And as we continue to work toward the building, the things going on. Anything else?

[2:18] Announcements that I'm missing?

[2:23] Not the first month, no. All right, well, if there's nothing else, let's open a word of prayer. Father, we thank you for the day again, for coming together to worship together with you and to sing praises to you, to study Your Word. Lord, we just pray that you'd be with everything that's going on here today, to be with the children as they go to children's church. Lord, you'd be glorified and all that said and done here this morning, we pray for the ones that aren't with us, that you would keep them safe for traveling, that you bring healing to them.

[2:58] Lord, we have some in our community that are sad this morning to the loss of loved ones and things going on in your life. We pray, Father, for them that you would just meet their needs and to comfort them. Lord, we just pray to just leading guide and everything that's said and done here this morning. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

[3:23] Let's take our handles and turn to page ten. If you feel like standing, be my guest.

[3:54] Worship His Majesty unto Jesus, be all glory, honor and pray.

[4:09] Majesty. Kingdom. Authority.

[4:18] Flow from his throne onto his own. His anthem raised so exult by Christ Jesus the King majesty worship is majesty jesus who died now glorified king of all king majesty. Worship is majesty unto Jesus be all glory. Honor and praise.

[5:29] Majesty. Kingdom. Authority from his throne onto his own. His anthem raised so exult lift up on high the name of Jesus. Jesus magnifies christ Jesus became majesty.

[6:12] Worship His Jesus who died now glorified king of all kings.

[6:28] All right, let's turn to page 337.

[6:50] What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can't make me whole again?

[7:35] Nothing but the blood of Jesus. For my cleansing this might flee, nothing but the blood of Jesus. Nothing can force in a tone nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh, that makes me white as snow, no other found, I know nothing but the blood of Jesus.

[8:52] This is all my hope and peace, nothing but the blood of Jesus. This is all my righteousness, nothing but the blood of Jesus.

[9:13] Is the foam that makes me white as snow. No other fountain, I know nothing but the blood of Jesus.

[9:44] And just worship and adore each and everything the preacher has to say that will comfort the hearts of each and everyone that have attended today. Father, as we go forth into this service, we ask that you'll take this offering, bless it and use it for the building of My kingdom for us. In Your Son's holy name we do pray. Amen.

[11:55] All right, let's turn to page 330.

[12:16] Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?

[12:32] Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed in the blood and the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb are Your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you walking daily by the Savior side?

[13:04] Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Do you rest each moment in the crucified?

[13:19] Are you washed in the blood and the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are you garments spotless? Are they white as snow?

[13:46] Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Will your soul be ready for the mansions bright and be washed in the blood of the lamp? Are you washed in the blood in the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb are Your garments, but let's are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the land.

[15:07] You may be seated.

[15:25] The children are going out to children's Church for those who like to join them with Miss Candy this morning. While they're going, I have a few thank you notes here, I think from the Strickland family and others for your prayers and the help that the church has offered. And we'll put them on the bulletin board back here if you'd like to read them. So I'll have those for you. I meant to mention that during the announcements.

[16:03] I got a crew this morning, if you haven't figured out. David leaned over to me. Let me guess, we're preaching on the blood this morning. Yeah, kind of try to preach on the blood every morning if I can. But I would like to speak along those lines of one gospel.

[16:24] And some of you are sort of looking at me with your eyebrow raising. What in the world is he talking about? There is one gospel, one Savior. We all know this, but I feel like it's important one throughout my when I used to teach Sunday school and things that I've done, the question comes up often how were the people in the Old Testament saved? Well, we'll look at that this morning.

[16:52] They are saved. I'll just go ahead and give you a hint, just so you know. And you probably already they're saved just like we are, by the blood of the Lamb. But we'll look at that in more detail this morning. And then there's others that say, well, no, they were saved a little different or there's a little different gospel to the Jews than there is for the Gentiles.

[17:19] It's like coffee percolating over here in this corner. We'll be all right. Something's bubbling over here. Sorry. So there's not a different gospel, as we'll see for the Jews and for the Gentiles, but there are some who preach, there are two separate gospels, some who teach this.

[17:39] And with the idea that people are a lot of people ask the question about Old Testament and saints and how they were saved and how could they be saved since Jesus had not come and all that. We're going to look at this this morning. We're going to look at also that there were some after Jesus was crucified and buried and rose again, that they preached the gospel of his death, burial and resurrection, and then others would add to that. And so all this is good. And I've told you that the Judaizer would come and say, oh, it's good that Jesus died, but we got to keep the law too.

[18:17] There's a lot of people today say, well, we maybe not keep the law. There are a lot that say we have to keep the law. But a lot of people say, well, that's good about Jesus, but I better do my best to be sure I'm going to heaven. There is only one way to Heaven. So we will look at this this morning if you'll turn your Bibles to Galatians, chapter one, and we'll start in verse six.

[18:44] Paul is speaking to the people of Galatia. They have been deceived or taught a false gospel that you had to keep the law and grace. We know that law and grace does not mix, but I just wanted to read these few scriptures to you, about six scriptures, to give you the setting of what Paul tells us about another gospel. He says, I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ under another gospel, which is not another, but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the Gospel of Christ. But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

[19:40] As I said before, say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you that you have received, let him be a curse. Paul made sure he said that twice. That means you need to understand it. You need to get it. For I do not persuade men.

[20:02] For do I now persuade men, or God, do I seek to please men? For if I yet please men, I should not be the servant of Christ. But I certify to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man, for I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by revelation of Jesus Christ. Father, as we look into your word, I pray that you would reveal all true to us. I asked Father now that the Holy Spirit would give me every word to say, that he would open our eyes and ears to see and to understand the truths of your word and to be doers of that word.

[20:45] In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Paul is dealing with some false teaching those who come in, and what he says is, pervert the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That means you add something to it or take something away from it, you're perverting the Gospel. The simplicity of the Gospel, he told the cringes, when I first came among you, I knew nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified.

[21:16] A lot of times we want to confuse the gospel. We want to add something to it. Okay? We come in and we say, I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins and I need a savior. And I believe he rose again and I'm saved.

[21:32] And then you say, now I got to go live this life that I'm supposed to live as a Christian. You can't do it. That's a whole nother message. That's the power of the Holy Spirit within you to live the Christian life. But you're saved by grace.

[21:51] Live by grace. You all understand that this morning. Don't prefer it to God. Don't try to add something to it. Don't try to accept Jesus, your first servant.

[22:03] And say, now I got to do everything I can to please God. Everything you did to please God was believing on his Son. After that, he does the work in and through you. I'm getting off on another little rabbit here, but there is one gospel. How do I know this?

[22:20] One corinthians. Paul is telling the corinthians. What is that gospel? What is that one gospel? One Corinthians.

[22:30] I've got a lot of verses, so you note taker, just get ready. One Corinthians 15, one through four. Moreover, brother, not to declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also you have received and wherein you stand by which also you are saved, if we keep in memory those things, memory what I appreciate you unless you have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you, first of all that which I also received. He received it from Christ.

[23:05] He said he wasn't taught of man, that Christ himself revealed the mystery of the gospel. Now, it's not some mystery, hidden thing that God didn't ever want us to know. It had to be revealed in its time. And a lot of the people, the law and even the disciples didn't understand it. They weren't getting it.

[23:29] But he says, but the message I received, how that Christ died for our sins, this is the gospel according to the Scriptures, that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. That is the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is the good news. That's what gospel means, the good news of Jesus Christ. Everybody ask you what the gospel is it's that he died, he was buried and he rose again for my sins and for yours.

[24:03] That's the gospel, just, plain and simple.

[24:09] There is one way, there is no other way to God other than Jesus. Jesus said in John One six, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me. No man after my resurrection. He didn't say that, did he?

[24:28] No man why I'm here. He didn't say that, did he? No man in the Old Testament, no man, period, past, present and future can get to God except through me. So we're going to be building on how were the Old Testament people saved through Jesus Christ. No man comes to the Father than through Jesus Christ.

[24:52] There's no other name, neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. And what is that name? Jesus Christ. Old Testament, present and New Testament. It's all about Jesus.

[25:13] The whole Bible, from Genesis to revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ. And the gospel about his gospel that he died for our sins, was buried and rose again. There's no other mediator, there's no other go between us and God than Jesus Christ. You're going to hear this a lot today, I hope. To drive it home.

[25:40] The only way you're saved is through Christ. The only way you live the Christian life is through Christ.

[25:50] Okay, I'm glad I got an amen on that. They were listening. That's what I want you to understand today. That's what I want you to see. You can't add anything, not by works, not by anything that we can boast about, but because his grace, he saved us.

[26:07] So he's the only mediator, one Timothy, for your note, takers 2536. For there is one God, one mediator between God and man, the man Jesus Christ, who gave himself ransom for all to be testified in due time. That's the mystery that he's talking about. The Old Testament believers, those that saw that, did they fully understand all about the gospel of Jesus Christ? I don't believe so, because even when he was here, the disciples didn't even understand it until after the Holy Spirit came.

[26:47] But did that stop them from believing? We'll get into some of that and we'll get ahead of myself. There's one gospel, and this gospel was established when the angel came to Mary and said, you're going to have a son. No, it was established before the foundations of the world at the very beginning of time, romans 1625 and 26. Now to him that is now to him that is the power to establish you according to his gospel.

[27:20] See there's? Now to him, Jesus, who establishes you through his gospel, who keeps you, who saves you, who helps you walk the Christian life is Jesus Christ. There's one gospel, one way, and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery, which has kept secret since the world began. Now, does that mean you read that and people say, yeah, God didn't want anybody to know until Jesus came and did it, and he had to do that to keep the devil off guard and all that. I'm not going to get into that.

[28:06] God, it didn't keep it from people. I mean, they couldn't understand it. They didn't have the Holy Spirit. It wasn't revealed yet. It wasn't done yet.

[28:17] This mystery that he's talking about is to understand that all of Scripture talks about Christ. All of scripture reveals who he is and what he's going to do. This is the mystery that the Jews didn't understand but now is made manifest. We're still in Romans 16, verse 26, and by the scriptures of the prophets, see there, the prophets talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ according to the commandment of the everlasting. God made no to all the nations for the obedience of faith, not of works.

[28:58] Those who say Old Testament people were saved by their works, they absolutely were not. We are quiet this morning.

[29:12] It was there. The prophets spoke of it. Did they fully understand it? Did they see it fully? And I don't believe they did, but that did not stop them from believing that God promised a sacrifice for the sins of the world.

[29:29] That's what they knew God would provide. It's like studying Eschatology or the end times, if you're not familiar with that term. Do we understand everything about the end times? Absolutely not. Anybody that would tell you, I read Revelation and I know it backwards and forwards, and I understand everything in it perfectly, I would raise my eyebrow at that because there are some things in there that are hard to understand, hard to see and to equate to us.

[30:04] But does that mean that the revelation of Jesus Christ is not happening and that I don't believe in it? Absolutely not. Some of it is a mystery to me because I, in my earthly body, cannot quite comprehend the things that God has prepared for us. Can you understand and understand eternity? Living for eternity?

[30:31] My sister, you talk about living for eternity, and she just breaks out in cold sweat. She just can't fathom that. She knows it's going to happen, but what are we going to do for eternity? We can't fathom that in our earthly bodies. So some of that is a mystery to that.

[30:47] That's what I'm talking about with the Gospel in the Old Testament, we believe the UNTIMES is going to happen. God's word says it. Do we understand everything? Some of it's a mystery. They did the same thing in the Old Testament.

[31:02] They believe that God would provide a sacrifice. They believed that with all their heart. Did they fully understand it was Jesus and that he would be crucified by the Romans, that he would be turned in by the Jews? Did they understand all those details? No.

[31:21] Did they understand that when he did that, that not only the Jews would be saved, but also the Gentiles he would die for? No. That was the mystery that Jesus Christ revealed to Paul. This is how all the Old Testament scriptures pointed to Christ, and Jesus Himself revealed to Paul for three years. A lot of people think, well, Paul was converted on the way to Damascus, and then he went right out preaching.

[31:50] No, he did not. He left for three years where Christ himself taught and revealed through the Holy Spirit the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When he had understanding, then he came and began to preach. This is what he's talking about, the Gospel that was given to me not of man, but of God through His Holy Spirit, who revealed this. As he studied all the old Testament scriptures.

[32:19] He saw there's Jesus. He turned to Daniel and said, There's Jesus. He turned to Psalms and says, there's Jesus. He turned to Malachi and says, There's Jesus. How come I never saw it before?

[32:34] How could I have been so blind? And when God, through His Holy Spirit, revealed it to him, he began to preach the mystery. Do you understand what he's talking about, the mystery now? It's not like seeing some secret code that only if you select, people know it had to be revealed in its time.

[32:56] One Gospel established from the beginning, one Gospel that was preached in the Old Testament. Again, I'm telling you, I'm saying there's not any other gospel for the Jews. They weren't saved a different way in the Old Testament. I'm going to show that to you here. We'll begin in Romans one, one through two that the Gospel was preached in the Old Testament.

[33:22] Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle, separated under the Gospel of God, which he hath promised afore by his prophets in the Holy Scriptures. What does it say? The Gospel was promised by God by and through the prophets. Hegephanai zachari malachi isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel they all spoke of Jesus and that he would come and die for the sins of the world, that they understand that it was Jesus. I believe some of them did.

[34:03] I believe God even told Isaiah what his name would be and that he would come and fulfill all the law. So it was preached throughout the Old Testament. Now, let's look at some examples of that. You say, well, we just go to the prophets right now. Let's go back to Genesis, chapter three.

[34:24] I believe you see the first glimpse of what God would require for the payment of sin to be justified by sin, to justify sin. Adam and Eve had sinned. They had eaten of the forbidden fruit, and God came calling in the garden and he found them. And the conversation that went on. And it says, when they ate of the fruit, Genesis three seven, the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.

[35:06] When they ate of the fruit, their eyes were open. They understood between good and evil. And when they understood that they understood they were evil, that they had disobeyed God's law. And his only law was, you can have anything you want in here. Do anything in the garden that you want to do.

[35:25] Just don't eat it. The fruit, what do they do? Ate of the fruit. That's just like saying painting the wall and saying, wet paint, don't touch. First thing we're going to do is go, that ain't wet or dang.

[35:40] If it ain't, you put a sign on saying, don't do, we're going to do. Right. So don't be blaming Adam and Eve. You'd have done it too. They ate of the fruit.

[35:52] They understand they were sinful. And when they understood they were sinful, they understood they were naked. Adam decided, I need to cover my wife and myself. I'm going to fix our sinful situation. Does that sound vaguely familiar to humanity?

[36:11] Everybody tried from the beginning of time to do what they could to fix their sinfulness, to get ourselves to God. Ain't happening. So he throws some leaves together and makes clothes for them fig leaves together and makes clothes for them to cover their sinfulness, their nakedness. And then God comes up. In verse 21, it says under Adam also, and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skin and clothe them.

[36:51] Now, they were already clothed with the fig leaves, right? But when God showed up, what did he do? An animal was sacrificed, blood was shed to cover their nakedness, to cover their sin. There is your first glimpse is that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission. God ordained that plan.

[37:19] Only blood could cover sin, only blood could take away sin. And God made that real to him. There's your first picture of Jesus Christ, who would come shed his blood for the sins of the world, to pay for our sins. So we see that in Adam and Eve, from the very beginning, god, where man tried to cover and man tried to cover their sins. God said you can't.

[37:53] To cover and pay for sin is my plan. It's my work, not yours. We need to understand that today salvation is of God, not man. To be clear on that this morning, I know this is more of a teaching lesson, but I think it's important for you to understand because there's a lot of this going on out here today. Salvation is God's doings, not mans.

[38:21] And blood would have to be shed for sin. That's. What? Hebrews 922. Those who were here on Wednesday night, we studied 922 and almost all things were purged.

[38:34] And all the things are by the law, purged with blood. Without the shedding of blood is no remission. God's established how sin is to be dealt with through the shedding of blood. So those of you and those who want to fuss and say, oh, the Old Testament is so bloody, and gory, well, that's the way God ordained it, argue with Him about that. That was his requirement to pay for sin.

[39:02] And that remission. Just as a side note, I heard someone referred that well, that's like remission of cancer. It's in remission. It's sort of dormant, not doing its thing, but it could come back. That is not the word remission.

[39:20] There the word remission, there is dismissal, release, forgiveness, us to set free. That's the word for remission. There, that is final. It's not coming back according to God's plan. So I'll move on.

[39:39] There is no extra charge for that for you. The first promise of the Savior we see in Genesis 315 and I will put in the between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed, and it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel. God is casting judgment on man, on woman and the serpent, and he says this to the serpent there's going to be enmity between the seed of man and between the seed of God, or between your seed and man seed through which the Messiah would come. He talks about bruising ahead and bruising his heel. Satan's head was bruised when Jesus died on the cross.

[40:27] That's a deadly blow. He's finished, he's done. But Jesus hill was bruised when he died on the cross. It's a picture of Christ who would suffer and be bruised for the sins of the world and how Satan would try to stop it through all of the Old Testament. So we see a promise of a savior in Genesis 315.

[40:50] God accepts able sacrifice overcame. I'm going to give you a lot because I want you to have a lot, because I don't want you to be confused, because a lot of people confuse all this. And if you have all these Scriptures, there is no way it can be confusing for you. You can't doubt it in any way. It's all through Scripture.

[41:09] You remember when Abel offered a sacrifice? He did. What was his sacrifice? A blood offering. He sacrificed an animal, and God said he respected Abel's offering.

[41:24] Cain offered vegetables. God wasn't so pleased. It made Cain mad. He killed Abel. You know that story, but you see there with the shedding of blood, abel understood that the shedding of blood was the only thing that could cover my sin.

[41:43] So he offered a better sacrifice noah. After the Flood, after God destroyed the whole Earth and put Noah and his family back on dry ground, the first thing he did was build an altar and offer a sacrifice to God to cover his and his family's sin. All through the Old Testament, you see that Adam, when he took Isaac up on the mountain, and Isaac says, Father, I have the wood and we have everything we need, but where's the sacrifice? Abraham acknowledged this right here. What a beautiful statement.

[42:22] He said, The Lord himself will provide a sacrifice. God's going to provide the sacrifice. Not man, not you and I, Isaac, but God's going to do it. That's Genesis 22 eight for you. Note takers.

[42:40] Abraham confessed that salvation was of God. He would provide the sacrifice. Jesus acknowledged that in John 856, your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad. In other words, he understood that Jesus, whether he understood it was Jesus, whether he understood that he's going to be born of Mary, whether he understood that he was going to be born in Bethlehem, he probably didn't get all that.

[43:16] But he did know that God promised a sacrifice to take away the sins of the world, and he believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness. A lot of people say, well, he took Isaac up and offered him, and that's when he believed God that God would provide. No, he believed God before Isaac. That's what caused his faith, caused him to act on what he believed and had faith in God. Don't get that confused.

[43:46] A lot of people confuse that now. He believed God and it was counter to righteousness. Jesus talked about how Abraham understood that one day God would send his son to die for the sins of the world, that God would provide a sacrifice. Job, he lived about the time of Abraham. That story in Job was about the time of Abraham.

[44:12] And when he went through all he did, and he was just trying to recollect and figure out what's going on and all, he says, you know what? It doesn't matter. He can do what he wants to. To me, it can be whatever. But he said this I know in ow my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand in the latter days upon the earth.

[44:37] Don't tell me the Old Testament people didn't know about a redeemer. It goes all the way back to Job. Did they understand all the details? No, probably not. But did they understand God would provide?

[44:54] They absolutely did. And they believed God, and it was counter to righteousness not by works, but by faith. I want to just keep driving this home. How about the passover? When you remember the plagues would come and the first born would die, god made the plan and gave it to Moses.

[45:14] He says, what's going to happen? To spare your firstborn and to deliver you from Egypt is there must be shedding the blood. And he told Him exactly how to shed the blood and spread it on the door post. And he said, When I see the blood, I will pass over you a perfect picture of Christ, his blood shed for me, applied to me, to me in my life. And God sees me.

[45:40] He sees the blood of Jesus, and he forgives me of my sin. Wow, what a story. All the way back in Exodus, the second book of the Bible, god showed a picture of his son to die for the sins of the world. They understood that. They believed God, and he counted it for righteousness.

[46:04] Moses, when he came off the mountain, he had the Ten Commandments. He had the tabernacle, the blueprints for the tabernacle. He showed all the people all that. He read it to them. And you can write this down, exodus 24 three through eight.

[46:21] I won't read it all. But when he had explained all of it to the people, the people responded all the words which the Lord has said, we will do just like Adam and Eve. We will cover our own sins. Then he read the covenant to them, and they said, oh, all the Lord has said, we'll do, and we'll be obedient to it. We're going to cover our own sins.

[46:47] We can do this, people. Come on. Moses says, no, you can't. The very next thing Moses did was sacrifice an animal. And sprinkle blood is a picture of Jesus Christ.

[47:02] The only way they could do is through the shed blood of the Lamb. Moses understood. God made it clear to him that I will provide a sacrifice, and his blood will take away the sins of the world. Moses understood that about David and his confession to God when he sinned with bathsheba in Psalm 51, he acknowledged and says, sacrifices. Well, let me go back to verse nine.

[47:37] Psalm 51, verse nine. Hide thy phase from my sins and blot out mine iniquities. He knew only God could blot out his sin. Only God could do that, creating me a clean heart. Only God can give me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

[48:01] Only God could give me the fresh mind, the fresh spirit, as God would have. Cast me not away from thy presence. Take not thy Holy Spirit from me again. You guys know I've told you many times that can happen today for a believer that's the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit, would come and go, but now he dwells all of us, all the time, forever. But David was acknowledging that because I've sinned, god's spirit cannot dwell with me.

[48:33] He says, Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation. David understood salvation only came from God, and there was nothing he could do. He goes on down and says, sacrifices, you don't desire. What you want is a broken and contract heart. That's God's desire for me, the sacrificial system and all that.

[49:01] That's not what God desired. What God wants is obedience and a broken heart to him that I am a sinful and I need a savior. That's what God wants. David acknowledged that in Psalm 51. It's all Old Testament stuff about salvation, the one gospel, and I could give you many, many more.

[49:23] Isaiah 53, what a beautiful passage of a picture of a prophecy of Christ and how he would come and die and take away the sins of the world. He says that in Psalm 53, ten thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin. Jeremiah 31 speaks for the result of God's salvation and the shed blood of his son. He says, Because of that, I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more.

[50:01] What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. How long does it wash it away? Forever. Forever.

[50:10] Praise the Lord. Jeremiah understood that. John the Baptist, you say, well, the Jews were looking for a Messiah. They were looking for a kingdom gospel. I keep hearing that kingdom gospel until I want to just sort of spit.

[50:28] Is that pretty nice? Can I say that?

[50:34] Yes. The Jews were looking for a Messiah to come and set up an earthly kingdom. Did they understand everything about the gospel? Absolutely not. They knew they were tired of being oppressed.

[50:45] They wanted to be restored as a nation, and they wanted the King of kings and Lord of Lord. They were looking for a Messiah. Even the disciples and acts that acknowledge that now that you've resurrected, now is the time for the kingdom. And Jesus says, no in other words, I didn't come first to set up my kingdom. I came first to build the kingdom through my shed blood on the cross.

[51:12] The Gospel of the kingdom is the same gospel of Jesus Christ. That's how the kingdom is built, through the shed blood of the Lamb. John the Baptist recognizes that. And when he sees Jesus, he says, behold the Messiah which sets up his kingdom on earth has come, right? No, he did not.

[51:34] He said, Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world. John the Baptist understood, and he was the one that said, repent for the kingdom of heaven. Is it, Anne? He understood what that kingdom was about. The kingdom would be built through the shed blood of Jesus Christ here on earth.

[51:57] We're part of that kingdom. It's growing. And one day it'll be a perfect kingdom in heaven now, but one way we'll be perfected in that kingdom, if I can say it that way. But John the Baptist understood that Jesus had come to take away the sins of the world. The covering of Adam and Eve, all the sacrifices in the Old Testament, all those things covered sin, covered it.

[52:29] But let me tell you something. When Jesus came and he died and he shed his perfect blood, a lamb without spot, without blemish, god's holy Lamb that took away the sins of the world, sin is gone. It's finished. It's over. It's not covered anymore.

[52:47] It's gone. I get excited about that. It was covered in the Old Testament until Jesus would come. It all pointed to Jesus that would die on the cross to cover the sins. But when he died on that cross, he took away my sins.

[53:08] He took away one gospel throughout Scripture from beginning to end, is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

[53:20] Wow. If I had time, I preached this message this morning, and it's not just Paul that was saying that. They said, well, the disciples didn't understand. They preached the kingdom gospel. You're going to hear that if you pay much attention.

[53:35] Peter was a disciple, right? Listen what Peter had to say. In one Peter, 110 of which salvation, the prophets have required and searched diligently who prophesied of the grace. Wait a minute. We're talking about Old Testament with prophets, right?

[53:56] That's law. That's the discipline. There's only law in the Old Testament. No, there's not. There's grace in the Old Testament.

[54:06] God's grace was on Adam and Eve and that he just didn't strike them dead right there and start all over. That's God's grace. I'll provide a payment for your sin. That's grace. And that's what Peter saying here, that these prophets, they search diligently for the grace that should come to us, that grace was magnified and established in the blood of Jesus Christ.

[54:36] God showed grace throughout the Old Testament because he knew his Son would one day come and finally pay for the sins of the world. So god was able to show grace even in the Old Testament. Peter understood that, understood the prophet searched for that to preach and to teach of the grace of God. One gospel, not only to the Jews. There's not a different gospel for the Jews and to the Gentiles.

[55:05] Peter acknowledges that one. Peter four, six for this cause. He says for this cause, that's interesting. But I'll just say four because that's how I thought. For this cause was the Gospel priest also to them that were dead?

[55:21] Who's? Them that are dead? The Gentiles. Remember, the Jews didn't care for us much. We were dead, we were dogs.

[55:30] We were without them who are dead or the Gentiles, that they may be judged according to the men and the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. He said the gospel was preached to the Gentiles.

[55:50] Having therefore obtained help from God. I continue into this day witness both to small and great saying one or another, that those which the prophets and Moses did say should come, not just to the Jews, not just to the Gentiles, not just New Testament. He said prophets and Moses talked about this gospel, talked about the Christ that would come, the payment for the sins of the world after the resurrection of Christ. You remember Jesus met a couple on the road as they were talking and they were just sort of man, I can't believe it, all that took place in the last few days. And then now they can't find his body.

[56:38] And the women say they were there and some of them said they saw him there. And Jesus sort of came up behind him and said, what you all talking about? My daddy said that? What are you guys talking about? Maybe he said it that way.

[56:54] And they explained to him all what they were concerned about and all their thoughts. Listen how he replied. Then he said to them old fools, you just don't understand flow of heart to believe all the prophets. That's the Old Testament. To believe all of what the prophets told you.

[57:19] That's what I gave them to tell you. And you couldn't believe it. You couldn't see it. Ought not Christ to have suffered these things to enter into his glory and being at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures, all the Old Testaments, because they ain't that New Testament then. So the scriptures were all old Testament?

[57:45] And Jesus went through all the Old Testament scriptures and explained everything in them concerning Himself. He's all in the Old Testament, the perfect Lamb of God to take away the sin. It's all about him. There is no second gospel. He is the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ.

[58:11] It's always been one gospel, it's always been one way. And that's, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Scripture, reveals him.

[58:24] Just another little thing. And I'll finish. There are some that argue that only the gospel is taught in one Corinthians 15. John 316 is not the gospel.

[58:40] I just got a couple of minutes, but I'm going to try my best to just tell you. John 316 is the gospel for God. His work, his finish, his job, his idea, his plan. So loved for God with his plan loved the whole world, that he what gave his only begotten Son, the perfect Lamb of God, to take away the sins of the world that he knew would die and would be buried, and he would rise again sinless. For God so loved the whole world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever.

[59:21] Jews, Gentiles, you, me, anybody, not just an elect, anybody whosoever believeth in him will not perish, but have everlasting life. Believe in Him is the gospel. What do you believe in him? That he died for my sins on the cross, that he was buried, and because he was found sinless and without blame before God, God raised him from the dead to atone for my sins and be the one mediator between me and God. So don't tell me the gospel is not in John 316.

[60:02] The gospel is in Genesis. Exodus, Leviticus, numbers, deuteronomy Joshua, judges Ruth. First ammo. First king Colonel Ezra, mydest job.

[60:15] Lama. Ezekiel, Daniel, Jose, all of them. Matthew Martin, Luke, john to Revelation. The gospel is there. And it's one gospel that God designed, sent his Son to pay for the sins of the world.

[60:32] Don't you tell me there's two gospels. Don't you tell me the Jews were saved by works and now I can be saved by faith. That's confusing to people. You can't confuse and frustrate the perfect, simplistic gospel of Jesus Christ. They were saved by grace, through faith.

[60:55] They believed that God would provide a lamb without spot to take away their sin. That's how the Old Testament were saved.

[61:07] We believe that God did provide a lamb without spot, without blemish that took away my sins on a cross, and I am saved forevermore because of his work, his plan, and Christ finished work on the cross. That's the good news of the gospel. Father, we thank you for today. We thank you for the clear, simplistic gospel of Jesus Christ. Oh, what a savior we have, Father, that you design and orchestrate from the foundations of the world to redeem us to yourself through Your Son Jesus Christ.

[61:52] Father, we thank you and praise you for that. And we didn't deserve it. There's nothing we can do to gain it. We are hopeless without You, Father, and we recognize that today that only through the precious blood of Jesus we come boldly to the throne of grace. Father, help us to just crawl up in Your lamp and cry out of a Father, sing praise us to Your name for all the wonderful things you have done for us.

[62:28] Lord, I pray that everybody would understand that this morning you take the words I'd say, Lord, that the Holy Spirit would use them to speak and to minister, to bring light, to bring understanding to the one Gospel of Jesus Christ, our Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Page 344. As we stand loving Lord grace that exceeds our sin and darkness yonder on Calvary's mount outpour there where the blood of the lamp was grace that is greater yes, grace untold points to the refuge of mighty roar aren't you glad his grace is greater than all my sins?

[65:27] It covers my sins. I hope this helped you and understand. I know it's more of a teaching thing today, but I just felt like that's what the Lord want me to do and help you to understand it. I know you know it, but now maybe you have a better way of telling those who don't know it and don't see it. So that's what I want to do.

[65:46] I want to quip you, get you ready for it. To those who have come up with these heresies of two different gospels. So just I'm going to start all over. But I'm glad his grace covers all my sins. Anything else?

[66:03] All hearts, minds cleared? Yes, sir.

[66:21] Okay. Well, I'm glad she gets closer to the sun and get help and all that, but we're going to miss her, miss Tony. Send her some cards and give her some phone calls. Maybe we'll look at that. Maybe we can just have her for the 30th and tell her hug her neck and tell her we love her and praying for her.

[66:43] Been in this church a long time. Probably since she's a little girl, right? Longer than me. I know. And I'm pretty old, but anyway, just be praying for them.

[66:55] That smooth transition. And I'm sure that sell houses and move and that's a lot of fun, as most of you know. Just keep that in your prayers. I know it's going to be tough on her and that's a difficult thing, but probably for a better anything else, don't forget Friday night the support group with Winford if you know anybody needs that. I think that's doing good.

[67:19] So ms. Margaret, good see you. And Tiffany. Ms. Donna, glad to see you.

[67:24] Do you have something you're just doing your hair. Okay, I got you. All right. Thought she raised her hand. That's all right.

[67:36] Good to have you all with us this morning. David, would you close us in prayer, please? Oh, gracious Heavenly Father, thank you once again for this opportunity to join together and worship you and your house. Father, we thank you for the Word that Brother Kenny's brought you this morning. Lord, we thank you for his dedication.

[67:54] And Lord, we thank you for the Word that you laid upon Him to share with us. Father, we thank you for that blood that was shed for us because without that we would be nothing. Father, be with us as we depart from this place and keep us forever. We're in your care. In Jesus precious holy name, we do all pray.

[68:15] Amen.