Is Hell Real?


Kenny Heinzel

Sept. 11, 2022


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[5:27] Music. Well, good morning. Good to see everybody this morning. And somewhat rainy day, but we're going to have some sunshine in here and some smiles and enjoy our time together as we come together to worship. Can study you guys, work and have some fellowship.

[5:46] You all been doing that already. Good to have each and every one of you with us. Got a good crowd today. We're getting people coming back and in from their cruises now, finally.

[5:58] I'm glad you're on vacation. Enjoy that. I've done that a few times myself.

[6:05] Let's see. Announcements. We have a sign up sheet in the back for adult outing. There will be Thursday, October 13. We're going to have lunch and go to the Apple Barn.

[6:18] But the main event is we're going to go to Cabelas. Yeah, we'll probably on our way up. We'll stop by Cabellas or Battle Pro Shop or something. And we always got to stop there. You can't just drive past that.

[6:38] Well, we turned it into that. So looking forward to that. If you'd like to go with us and enjoy the day of getting apples and shopping at Sporting Goods and all that, sign up on the sign up sheet. There's about 15 spots on the bus. If we need more, we'll take a car or something and follow along.

[6:58] But I think it'd be a good time. We've got reservations at the Pat's Country Kitchen. That sounds good. So we'll do that on the Thursday, October 13. I think that's a Thursday.

[7:12] Is that right? Somebody yeah, my wife saying I don't know if she heard me or not, but she said I get that a lot. All right. True Seekers is starting a new study on the Holy Spirit on Sunday mornings at 10:00 945 for their Sunday school class. And Jack's got a class.

[7:35] We got children's classes, so be here. 945 ten for Sunday school. Let's see. Interested in Christmas. Canta see Tiffany after the service.

[7:49] Tiffany, wave your hand. You want to be part of the Christmas program. I know somebody posted the other day, what, 13 Fridays till Christmas or something? I'm like already. But it is coming, so we got to start preparing for that and to have special music.

[8:08] Just see Tiffany after the thing. Just get idea who's interested, who would like to be part of it so she can be getting that together.

[8:21] Need an in append set of children's volunteers. Okay. What that means is we need a backup set of volunteers, right? Yes.

[8:34] Okay.

[8:38] All right. We have scheduled people to do it first Sunday, second Sunday and all that. But in the event that one of them can't be here or whatever gets sick, just need some backups. So if you would be interested in being a backup children's church volunteer, see Tiffany for that, too. Okay, trunk retreat is coming up.

[9:01] That'll be October the 30th from five to seven. Then we're going to decorate our trunks again with games and going to have baked goods for a cakewalk. And does that include banana pudding? Okay. And then there'll be a sign up sheet coming for that.

[9:22] So just keep those things in mind as a fall is coming. A lot of things coming up. We got a sportsman dinner and then the 1 November again. The first Friday in November. If you'd like to have a low country, we're planning all that too.

[9:38] So things coming up, it's fun time of year. We can get out hot, getting over with. Praise the Lord for that. And we feel like coming out of our hibernation and enjoying things. So we'll be doing that tomorrow night.

[9:54] We'll have a deacons meeting at 07:00 here for all the deacons who can be here. Any other announcements that I'm missing? I'm sorry. Thank you. Workday.

[10:08] Bobby will be Thursday at 830.

[10:15] We like messing with Bobby anyway. Thursday at 830. We'll have a work day here at church. We're putting up ceiling tiles and put up some more sheet rock and little bonus room. It's looking like a building.

[10:31] So if you're interested in that, I think it's probably unlocked. If you ever want to go out and just look around and see the progress, just be careful. There's stuff everywhere, but we're going to get it cleaned up. A lot of the paintings done for the most part, and then there always be touch up and things like that. But it's coming along.

[10:50] And just keep adding your prayers as we go for that, paying for it as we go. All that out there is ours. We don't owe nothing on it. And we just praise the Lord for that. So anything else?

[11:03] Good to have our visitors with us this morning. Thank you for being here with us this morning. Am I missing anything? I got to check with the boss over here. I don't think so.

[11:14] Okay. Yes, sir.

[11:31] He's up in age and she's not doing too good. So just keep Debbie and repairs for strength and wisdom and for the mom for just help with that. It's a tough time to go through. I understand. And many of them are still here.

[11:47] I think Ms. Donna is still healing. Jack said he's just enjoying going to therapy. Can't wait to go again. Not really.

[11:57] Yeah, so he's healing from that. And Miss Shirley is home recovering and getting better all the time. So just keep them in your prayers. Anything else? Anybody else I'm forgetting?

[12:10] Yes, ma'am.

[12:39] Keep those families in your prayer. That's always a tough time.

[12:45] But God is good. He's in control when he's praying for it. Just pray God to get the glory and praise and honor out of all that. Even when we don't understand. Everybody good.

[12:57] All things are good. I don't know exactly. Had something say or not. He got a lot of talking to do over here.

[13:05] Yeah. Want to preach? All right. Well, we'll go to the Lord in prayer and John's going to come later. David thought he's going to be out of town this week, so John graciously stepped up to help and we're just going to let it roll with that.

[13:19] So let's open in prayer. Father, we just thank you for Your blessings, for the privilege to come in Your house and to worship you. Lord, we just thank you for all that have come this way today to worship you in song and to study Your word. Lord, I pray that you just be with every word that's said and done here this morning, that you'd get all the honor, praise and glory. Father, there are many that are sick and are healing from surgeries.

[13:42] And pray, Father, for them for healing, for strength and to recover. And Father, we pray for the many families that have losing loved ones and going through difficult times. Many are going through difficult times of different situations. And we just pray for those, Father, that you would just give them wisdom, that you give them peace and strength to look to you, to see what you're trying to show us. What are you trying to show them that you would get all the praise and glory and honor in those situations as well.

[14:15] We just pray for our church now as we seek to reach this community with the gospel of Jesus Christ that you would lead and guide us. Give us the wisdom and knowledge to know what to do. We thank you for the progress of the building, Lord. And we pray, Father, that we continue to bless us with that and guide us into getting that accomplished. Just help us to do Your will be glorified and all that said and done here this morning, in Jesus name I pray.

[14:44] Amen.

[15:21] Well, I was thinking about the songs today. A lot of the children can't read in the hemp, but they'll know the songs of I asked you what you would think. The first song you learned in church was Together Today. We humbly thank you for each and every blessing you bestowed upon us this past week. Father, we hope that each and everything said and done today will be used for the glory and for the building of Thy kingdom.

[24:39] Father, we ask that you'll be our pastor as he comes before us to bring the message. Let it reach out, touch the hearts of each and every one here. And Father, let it go out in this community. It's our go our separate ways. Father, as we take up this offering, we ask that you'll bless it and use it for the building of Thy kingdom, whereas in Your Son's holy name we do pray.

[24:59] Amen.

[26:49] David mentioned to me, I hadn't the microphone in front of me. I thought usually loud enough that you can hear me. We'll say one more of him before we turn it over to Pastor Kenny with his message, and that'll be 444. I love to tell the story and I think as we get older we like to tell a lot of stories. So if you'll stand with me, we'll sing all four voices.

[27:40] Love to tell the story because I noticed true it satisfies my longings as nothing else can do I love to tell the story for those who know it seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest and when it seems of glory I sing the lunar song will be the old, old story of Jesus and his love you may be seated.

[31:36] Our children are going out to children's church with Ms. Paula and Mr. Stacy.

[31:55] What some good songs this morning. I appreciate John standing in for David, even though David's here, you enjoyed the break this morning.

[32:06] He thought he was going to be out of town. So thank you John for that. And songs I hadn't heard in a while, just fun songs. But I love to tell the story. Twill be my theme and glory.

[32:19] I love that song. My dad used to sing a song and part of it would say, and when I sing redemption story, the angels will fold their wings. See, we know something of redemption that angels don't. And for eternity we will be singing the story of Jesus and his love, how he died for my sins and your sins on the cross and we get to sing praises about that forever. So if you don't like singing now, you better start practicing.

[32:53] You better try to figure out how to change your mind because you know, we're going to be singing in heaven for eternity. So thank you for that, thank you for the songs. I have got several scriptures if you want to turn to luke will probably be one of my main ones of 16. But as usual, I'll be in several places because I want to try to show you some things this morning that we all know about, we all talk about, but we don't want to talk about or we don't want to think about. Last week we were talking about the importance of compelling the loss to come to Christ, to go and compel them to come to in whatever way possible, to bring the lost and tell them of the love of Jesus, of how he died on the cross for our sins and saved us from our sins.

[33:45] So we talked about that and we want to talk about that all the time. Isn't that right? We obviously want to talk about heaven. We want to talk about how God blesses us and all this goodness to us and that we worship and praise Him for that and how God gave himself for us and they loved us so much. And as preachers, those are good ones.

[34:11] We get excited about that and those are good messages to talk about. But we seldom talk about the alternative of that if we're not saved. What's the alternative? What happens then. And that message is a message about hell.

[34:32] And you say, oh, boy, here we go. Fire and brimstone. Preacher I think it's important that we understand what are we compelling people from. We know what we're compelling them to, what are we compelling them from? And that's God's wrath on sin, god's punishment for sin.

[34:52] I personally don't like to stand up and well, I don't know if I'd say I don't like, but probably not my favorite to stand up and say, if you don't get saved, you're going to die and go to hell and you scare somebody into salvation. I don't think that's what it's about. I would rather explain to you the love of God and how he sent His Son to die for your sins on the cross to make a way for you to live with Him in eternity. God's great love. That would be a much nicer message, much easier message.

[35:28] That's a message that I want you to get and understand how much God loves you and that he wants you to be with Him. And the only way to be with him is through his son, Jesus Christ. And when we preach about hell, a lot of times it's scare them to death. So they'll walk the aisle, scare them to death. I don't often wonder sometimes how sincere that is.

[35:52] I don't think salvation should be a scare you to death thing, but it is a very real reality, and I want to share it with you this morning. Many times we make a joke about hell. There's all kinds of things that people say, and I'm not going to quote them this morning, but you've heard people say, oh, yeah, I'm ready to go to hell. That's where all my friends are. We're going to have a good time.

[36:19] I love to watch Family Feud. It's just good to me and I'm competitive. I want to guess every answer, I guess. But they had one thing one time about if you went to hell, what would you be standing on or what would you be in? Something like that.

[36:34] And the answers that they gave, I was like, really? It was just silly to me. Well, it shocked me how much people didn't know the answers that were up there about that hell is not going to be a fun place. Hell is not a place of enjoyment.

[36:58] It's just no. So we make jokes of it, we make light of it. But I want you to understand this morning that Jesus spoke more about hell than he did heaven. Did you all know that it's just about 160 references in Scripture to what hell is about? There's about 160 references in Scripture, and Jesus spoke more on hell than he did heaven.

[37:31] He wanted people to understand the consequences of rejecting God's gift of salvation. That's the consequences. Now, I know this is not a whole lot of fun and nobody wants to talk about hell and nobody wants to hear, Brother Kenny, this is going to be tough for the believer to understand. What it's about is encouraging me that God loved me so much that he died on the cross for my sins to save me from that. Why did he create that?

[38:07] That's God's punishment on sin. We'll talk about that in a little bit. But God saved me from himself. God can't be around sin. God is a loving God, but he is a just God.

[38:21] So we'll talk about some of those things this morning.

[38:26] Many say why would a loving God send someone to Hell? First off, I want to tell you this morning god does not send anybody to hell. That is the choice you make and he provides the way. Hell is a choice that people make. God doesn't send them.

[38:48] First of all, God never intended for the first human being to ever go to Hell. From the very foundations of the world. It was not God's intention for any man or woman to go to Hell. Well, how do I know that? Matthew 25 41 he says, Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, depart from me, ye accursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

[39:24] Hell was prepared for who? The devil and his angels didn't say anything about man in the very beginning. It was not prepared. No man, no woman should ever go there. God created Hell for Satan, who turned against him, who tried to revolt against him.

[39:44] And those angels that followed, he prepared a place for them and all those who follow him, Satan will end up in the same place. So hell was not created for mankind. Some of these verses, and I want you to understand that I'm not going to get into the context so much as to a lot of times about heaven and angels and stuff. We just see glimpses and pictures of things and we saw some of that the other night in our study in Hebrews and that we can glean from those things, things of eternal. And so I'm using the scriptures to show you that hell was created for Satan and the fallen angels in the beginning.

[40:30] And he said, These shall go into everlasting judgment, but righteousness in life eternal. See, God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell. It is a choice. Matthew 1814 even so, it is not the will of your Father, which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. God doesn't want anyone to perish.

[40:56] Two Peter three nine the Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some counts slackness, but as long suffering toward us, to usward not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. God doesn't want any blonde to go there, but it is a choice we make. Now, when you turn in your Bibles to Luke 16, I want to show you some of the things about hell to understand what it's like, what it's about. Before we begin, I want to open with a word of prayer. Father, we just thank you for Your word.

[41:35] Lord, we thank you for salvation. We thank you for loving us, Lord, as we look in the realities of the alternative of salvation. Father, help us to see clearly what you have to say to us, what you want us to understand that we may share with others what the great news of the Gospel means and how much you loved us and gave yourself to save us from eternal hell. Lord, give me every word to say here this morning. Speak to our hearts and our minds.

[42:15] Open our eyes that we may see clearly and understand. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen. Jesus told a story. Now, this is not a parable.

[42:26] This is an actual story that Jesus was trying to explain to his listeners. And he gave them a glimpse of things that they don't know, they didn't understand, but Jesus understood perfectly. And he gives this story of the rich man in Lazarus, and we're all familiar with it, but I want to look at some of the Scriptures and some of the verses of it and just pull out some of the things that we can understand what he's talking about. We can get a better understanding of what Hell is like.

[43:03] Starting in verse 19, there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared.

[43:16] Yeah, every day. That's a good word for me. And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, the dogs came and licked his swords, and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried.

[43:47] So I want to just pause there for a minute. Some of the things that we can see from that is here's two men, one very rich, one very poor, one very healthy, one very sick. And this rich man would see Lazarus every day as he went to the gate of his house. Maybe I don't know why, he just maybe felt like that was he was doing good. I'll just let him stay there.

[44:12] I won't run him off. And that's my ministry to him. I don't know, maybe Lazarus got arms from some of the rich people that would come to visit this rich man. I don't know. The scripture doesn't say is not really sure why he's there and why the rich man didn't run him off.

[44:32] But what we do understand is that these both men died. And no matter what you are, I want you to understand, no matter what you are here on earth right now, when death comes, the playing field is level. We're all the same except for are we washed in the blood or are we not? We see one who's been washed in the blood of Jesus, Lazarus. We see one that's not.

[45:06] And that's where the difference comes in. That's where the thing and it's interesting to me that the beggar died and what does it say? The angels, he was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. I believe in other scriptures point that when we pass away, angels come and escort us to our heavenly home. That's pretty comforting there.

[45:33] Pretty neat thing. But angels escorted this poor man Lazarus to Abraham's bosom. Now, we'll talk about that in just a minute here as we get down and talk about Abraham's bosom and stuff. So in verse 23, it says, in Hell, he lifted up his eyes. This is a rich man.

[45:54] Lazarus was in Abraham's bosom. The rich man was in Hell. Or that would be Hades would be a better translation today. I don't have time to get in all the different word hell, Hades, Shiloh. There's all kinds of different names for Hell in scripture, but Hades would be a better one here because of the time.

[46:20] Hell is an eternal place at the end of time. We'll look at that toward the end of this. But in Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment and seeing Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom. So here's the rich man and he looks up. I mean, I don't know if he's in disgrace or if he's just having to look up to it.

[46:41] It doesn't really make that clear. I don't think it really matters. But he looks and sees Abraham and Lazarus with him, he says. And he cries out and said, father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame. Doesn't find a place to party and does it?

[47:12] If all your friends are there, you might want to find some new friends, because I wouldn't want to go be there with them. Other scripture also points that you're not going to be hanging out with your friends. It will be a place of isolation, a place of darkness, a place of wailing and gnashing of teeth. The Hell is a horrible place. And we see this partly from the rich man here.

[47:37] I am in torment of this flame. He will be in torment for eternity. Not because he was mean to Lazarus, not because he didn't help Lazarus. See, that's the fruits of what he was. The rich man was more involved in his greatness and his richness and probably had no time to talk to you about Jesus.

[48:05] He didn't need Jesus. He had everything he wanted. He didn't need to do all that religious stuff. I don't need that. I am content right where I am.

[48:18] Until he got to Hell, he wasn't very content in Hell. Was he? If you just send this poor man, send Lazarus and just a drop of water on my tongue, that's all I want. Not a glass of water, not a bottle. If I could just get some relief for a minute.

[48:40] I'm in torment in this flame. Not a very good place. Abraham answers him. He says, but Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetimes receiveth thy goods and likewise Lazarus evil things. But now he is comforted and thou are in torment.

[49:06] I don't want you to get the feeling that because you go through a hard time in life, you're saving on your way to heaven. He's telling these things are the fruits of where they're at and I think the meat shall inherit the earth. This was a heart condition. Jesus didn't deal with it too much. He was more pointing out there is a place at the end of your life when you die, there's heaven and there's hell.

[49:33] And based on the choice you make the choice, one choice determines your eternal state. The fruits of that will show what decision you made. We'll talk about that in a little bit. And beside all this, verse 26, between us, abraham still answering, between us and you, there's a great gulf fixed so that they which pass from hence to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from fence. All right, so what he's saying?

[50:08] Abraham said, hey, I can't send Lazarus to you and you can't come to him. There's a great gulf between us, and there's no way that you can come here or we can go there. It's not going to happen. Now, this great golf, I want you to understand. We talked a little bit about it Wednesday night in our Bible study I don't believe exists today.

[50:34] Okay? This was an Old Testament. Remember Jesus before Jesus death, bury on resurrection was Old Testament. It's a state of saints of the Old Testament. When they died, they went to Abraham's bosom.

[50:53] They didn't go to heaven, what have you what I thought to be absent from the bodies, be present with the Lord. It is now. Things have changed. Something happened that changed all that. Ephesians four eight to ten, wherefore he said, when he ascended on high, he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men.

[51:21] Now that he ascended, what is it? But that he also descended first in the lower parts of the earth? He that descended in the same also that ascended up far above the heavens, that he might fulfill all things. What are we talking about here? One peter 318 gives us a little glimpse of this too.

[51:46] For Christ also hath once suffered for sins. We died on the cross, right? That just for the unjust. That he might bring us to God. Remember that he might bring us to God.

[52:03] Not Abraham's bosom. That he might bring us to God.

[52:10] Let's see. Being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit, by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison. Spirits in prison. What is Peter talking about? What is Paul talking about?

[52:27] To the Church of Ephesus? Let me read this one, which were some time we're disobeyed, and one long suffering God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was preparing. Within a few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. Now, in the context of what Peter is saying, he's talking about in the days of Noah, Christ will return, but he gives us a glimpse of what Christ did after he died on the cross. He descended into the lower parts of the earth.

[53:01] It says, this, I believe is what is called Hades. He didn't go to hell. I believe he went to Abraham's Bosom. I believe he stood right on the edge of that gulf and preached.

[53:17] He said, all you of Old Testament saints, all you who believed that God Himself would provide a sacrifice, I am he. I'm the one that will die for the sins of the world, to apply my blood on the mercy seat in heaven, to appease the holy God for the sins of the whole world. That's who I am. And as he proclaimed and preached, all of those in Hades, the rich man, all of those heard, all the Old Testament heard, Abraham heard. And what he's talking about in Ephesians, where he led captivity captive, I believe he took all the Old Testament saints from that point, those who were looking for a Messiah to looking for Christ to take away the sins of the world, he took all those spirits with Him to God the Father.

[54:15] Now, why couldn't he do it before then? Because the perfect blood of the Lamb of God had not yet been said. Sin was not yet atoned for completely. But when Jesus died and he cried, it is finished, heavens was opened. So now when we die, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord because of Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross.

[54:42] Is that clear? Everybody understand that that's this gulf that I don't think exists today, because believers today goes straight to the Father through Jesus Christ, because of his shed blood on the cross. So this story he's telling us is an Old Testament before Christ came and he died, and he led captivity captive and took them to heaven.

[55:13] Verse 27. Get back to Luke 16, verse 27. Then he said, I pray thee therefore Father, that thou wouldst send him to my Father's house, for I have five brethren that he may testify of them, lest they also should come to this place of torment. Some of the greatest evangelists could come out of hell because they know it's real. They know it's a place to torment.

[55:41] It's not a place to joke about, it's not a cliche. We use all the. Time. People that joke about hell just sometimes makes me do they really know how terrible it is? So he wanted to send someone to tell his brothers.

[56:03] And Abraham said unto him, they have Moses and the prophets. Let them hear them. And he said, Nay, Father Abraham, but if one went to them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto them, if they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded. Though one arose from the dead.

[56:23] Now, you would think if somebody arose from dead and told you something, you'd believe it, but that happened. You think of all the miracles that they did, and Israel still just didn't believe, didn't trust. That's not how it works. I don't believe there's no greater evangelist than God's Holy Spirit. And if you're not going to listen, if you're not going to accept the free gift of salvation through the drawing of the Holy Spirit, you're not going to do it by anything else.

[56:58] Abraham said, that's impossible. Hail is a final destination. And in these few minutes, I want to just give you some more notes about Hail and what it's about, what's going on, who's it for? It's a final destination for those who reject the gospel of Jesus Christ created for Satan and the fallen angels. Satan and his fallen angels.

[57:25] James says they believe in Jesus. They believe he died on the cross. They know it full well if they had known what he was doing, and then it would bring salvation to the whole world. It says that they might not even have crucified Christ.

[57:44] They know it full well. Are they going to be in heaven? No. See, to go to heaven is to personally accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, to understand he died for your sins, your sins on the cross, that only through him you have access to the Father. See, Satan and demons don't acknowledge that he is not their Lord, he is not their Savior.

[58:08] They know what happened, but he's not their Lord. He's not their savior. It's got to be a personal thing. In Revelation 20, if you want to flip there real quick, we'll look at that in just a few minutes.

[58:23] This is the end times. This is at the end of the 1000 year reign. You have the Raptor, the church, the seven years and 1000 year reign. At the end of that 1000 years, revelation 20, starting at verse ten. The devil that deceived them was cast in the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophets are, and they shall be tormented day and night forever.

[58:53] No little picture of what hell is about. At the end of that, Satan and all those who rejected the false prophet and the Antichrist were cast into hell and torment for day and night. And he said, I saw a great white throne in him that sat on it, whose face the earth and the heavens fled away, and there was found no place for them. This great white throne. God is sitting on the great white throne, and there's no place to hide.

[59:27] You might want to run from his judgment. You might want to run from, but you can't hide this great white throne. Judgment is not for believers, okay? This is for unbelievers. Those who have rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ will stand at the great white throne.

[59:47] Believers are at the judgment seat of Christ or the bemus seed of Christ that happens in heaven long before this. But the great white throne is for all those who do not believe. And they are all gathered around. And he said, I saw the dead, great and spa stand before God. And the books were open, and another book was open, which is the Book of Life.

[60:14] And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works.

[60:26] And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death in Hades or hell delivered up the dead from which were in them. And they were judged, every man, according to their works. This is where you are judged. Salvation is free. Ephesians Two, Eight and Nine says, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercies, he saved us by grace.

[60:54] Are you saved through faith? Right. So we're saved by faith and putting our trust in Jesus Christ and through Him alone in his shed blood and cross, I have access to the Father. I will spend eternity in heaven, not by works, not by My works, lest any man should boast. But these are judged by their works.

[61:14] You reject that free gift of salvation that will wipe away your sins. God says, I will remember your sins no more once you accept the blood of Jesus. But if you reject that, guess what? Every one of your sins has been written down. And at the great white throne, you will be judged for every sin you committed.

[61:37] Because the blood has not been applied, there's no payment for your sin. That's what he's talking about here. So those who have rejected Jesus and his shed blood will stand before God and will judge. And I thought it was interesting. Why were the books open?

[61:56] Like God would forget? I think it's so you can see clearly. Those who have no excuse, they can't argue. It's written down. He said, and death and hell were casting the leak of fire.

[62:12] Let's see. Judge according to work and death and hell were casting a leak of fire. This is the second death. The second death? The first death is a physical death.

[62:21] The second death is separation from God for eternity. And whosoever was not found in the book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. Wow, that must be joking about. Is it? It's going to be a bad day.

[62:42] A terrible day, but it doesn't have to be if we just put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. That's all he asked. And I'll go here real quick and I'll close. Matthew 723. Jesus is speaking.

[63:00] He says, Wherefore by their fruits you will know them. Not everyone that says to me. Lord. Lord. Shall enter the kingdom of heaven.

[63:08] But he that doeth the will of my Father. Which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day. Lord. Lord.

[63:15] We have we not prophesied in thy name. In thy name cast out devils. In thy name. Done wonderful works. And then will I confess unto them.

[63:25] I never knew you depart from me. Ye that work iniquity. That's a tough verse, isn't it? Some people, it scares you to death.

[63:43] You say, Wait a minute. Now. They were prophesying and they cast out demons and they hear, how can they not go to heaven? The answer is in the very last part of the 23 ye that worked iniquity at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow at the name of Jesus. There is power to do these things, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you're saved and on your way to heaven.

[64:12] You remember the guy that was watching the disciples cast out demons and he said, wow, I got this memorized. I can do this. So he goes up to a guy that's got a demon in him and he starts saying, by the name of Jesus, and Paul, will you get out of him? That demon come out and says, well, we know Paul, we know Jesus, but we don't know you. They send him home naked.

[64:35] They beat him unmercifully and send him running on the road naked just because you act like you're saved or do those things that accompany that. If you've never put your faith in trust, if Jesus doesn't know you, if you don't know him, there's not that relationship. Is that clear? They were working their way, those who work iniquity. They were working for their salvation.

[65:07] For by grace are you saved through faith, not of yourselves. It's a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. And this is what they were doing. We did this. They're poking their chest up, we did this, we did that, we did that.

[65:24] And he said, yeah. It's not by words, it's by My grace. It's by my blood. And that alone gets you to heaven. I don't know you unless you have accepted me as your personal savior.

[65:41] Only by God's grace alone are we saved from everlasting punishment of hell. Listen, people, there's only when Jesus died on the cross, how many sins did he pay for?

[65:59] All future sins, all past sins, all present sins for who? The whole world sin is paid for and appeased before the Holy God through the blood of Jesus Christ, once and for all, it's finished. Nothing else can be done to cover sin. So why sin sends me to hell? Rejection of Jesus, precious blood on the cross.

[66:32] I don't have time for that Jesus stuff.

[66:37] I'm good where I'm at. I got plenty of money, said the rich man. I got a nice house, I got a nice car, I got a good job. I don't have time for all that Jesus stuff. You better make time, because you'll need Him.

[66:57] You will need Him in the end. Have you put your trust in Jesus Christ and Him alone? Not anything you can do, not anything I can pray. You in or the deacons can pray is between you and Him. And accepting the free gift of salvation.

[67:14] If you haven't ever done that, you will stand before God and give answer for every one of your sins because they're not covered under the blood of the Lamb. When I see the blood, I will pass.

[67:32] I hope you know where you go. I hope you accept Jesus is your person and we can just glorify God. He said that's just too simple, Brother Kenny. For us it is. But it wasn't for God.

[67:46] He gave it all, he paid everything to make a way for us because he loves us so much. Father, we thank you. You do love us. We thank you. Just by grace alone we are saved.

[68:02] We thank you for your work on the cross and bringing salvation to us. And there's just a free gift if we just accept it. Finally, I pray for everyone on the sound of my voice and maybe on the lie that if they've never trusted you as a personal savior, they never understood that they're a sinner and that they need a savior. I pray today would be the day that they would understand that they would see that there's consequences for rejecting the gift of God.

[68:37] Lord, I pray for each and every one of them that they would know that they know that they know God. You've given us Your word that we may know and we may see clearly these things have I written unto you that you may know that you have eternal life. Lord, I pray for each and every one of us today. Lord, help us as Christians to understand that to compel them to beg with those that one day they'll stand before a holy God. And if the blood of the Lamb has not covered them, they'll be cast in a leak of a fire which will burn forever and ever and ever.

[69:19] Lord, help us to be diligent. Help us to be busy about your work. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. If you'll stand with us as we sing invitation number 605.

[69:32] Living for Jesus living for Jesus a life that is true striving to please Him in all that I do a blessing for me, O Jesus, Lord and Savior I give myself to Thee for Thou in Thy I own no other my heart shall be lights one more and quit. John picked that song. And I guess yesterday didn't even know what I was going to preach about today. But that's what salvation is. Living for Jesus I have no other Master I give myself to you that's all he wants.

[71:25] He don't want your works. He don't want all that stuff. He wants your you. He wants a relationship with you. Seeing this next verse, listen the words of it.

[71:35] That's what I've been telling you about today in a nutshell. Living for Jesus who died in my flesh bury on calfre my sin and disgrace such love constrains me to enter his call follow his leading and give Him my hope o Jesus. Lord and Savior I give myself to Thee for Thou in Thy untold man did give Thyself for me I own no other Master my heart shall be as I thrown my life I give hands for to live o Christ for Thee man praise the Lord. He did it all. It's been a good day.

[73:16] I know you're scared of death. I was going to preach on hell this morning. But I hope you understand what he saved you from. And not just from that, but to a relationship with Him for eternity. I can't wait.

[73:32] I don't want to hurry up, but I can't wait. All right. All the hearts mind is good. Pray for those not with. If you don't see the empty pew, call them.

[73:42] Tell them we miss them. Good to have our visitors with us this morning. Thank you for coming and being with us. Hope you come back. Anything else?

[73:51] All hearts and minds clear. David, would you close us in prayer, please, sir? Heavenly Father, we thank you once again for this opportunity to you and worship you. Father, we thank you for this message we've heard today that the clear picture of Brother Kenny has shown us today of what the punishment will be for us if we make that wrong decision. Lord, we thank You, Lord, that you made the pathway for us to not have to go through that and despair us from that second death.

[74:34] Lord, thank you for all the blessings You've bestowed upon us as a community. Lord, be with us as we're to park this place. Keep us forever in your care. Jesus. Precious holy name, we do pray.

[74:49] Amen.